Explorations in Type
The following are selected type drawings, experimentations and calligraphy

Exploring forms of the letter "a" / Experimental Typeface Design workshop by Juan Villanueva // Type West 2021

Type Drawings

Made during Lettering Fundamentals workshop by Ying Chang (2021)

Made during Lettering Fundamentals workshop by Ying Chang (2021)

Type Cooker / Condensed, low-waisted and softly-squared type inspired by signs in Italy // 15 mins

Type Cooker / Bordering on illegibility // 18 mins

Type Cooker / “Sore”; inspired by the image of Tom cat’s sore fingers // 15 mins

Type Cooker / Letters for a future generation // 18 mins


During the second wave of the pandemic, I remained isolated from the city I live in but in my hurry to leave, I forgot to keep writing tools with me. After several weeks in isolation, I really missed drawing letters. The idea came to me in a dream and I decided to make pens with the bamboo growing in the garden outside. The challenging part was, to my surprise, making the ink as I didn't have any binding ingredient. I used beetroot and honey to make it which gave the letters a nice glistening effect (and also stuck all my papers together).